NAMELESS – Horror Comic

5 – 7 minute read





Spoilers ahead! Stop reading now if you want to experience this book, which I recommend you do. Even if you get the spoilers, the art work and story telling are great and it’s a fast (1-2 hours) read but you must re-read.

Commentary below

No I am not a critic….(NO BUTS)

SYNOPSIS (Spoilers):

Nameless was summoned by Detective Special Agents for the US military to visit a site to provide his expert advice on an artifact that has historical implications for mankind. After an attempt to connect with the seemingly supernatural artifact, known as the Three-Score Stone, a connection is made. The scene full of 13 experts turns into a gruesome murder scene of 11 dead people. 1 crazy man apprehended and 1 man missing, whereabouts and identity unknown. Nameless escapes police custody. Some years pass and Nameless is now tracked down and invited to partake in a vague mission to save the world by one of the richest men in the world. It is unknown if Nameless has fabricated the murders of his past or if he is still under the spell of the Three-score Stone. His attempt to not give himself a name, to not give ‘the demons’ control over him, have seemingly failed.

Space. Meteor on a collision course with earth. The meteor has a clear-cut symbol that shows this meteor has its origin in some form of intelligence. A space station on the dark side of the Moon has been transformed into the staging ground for a mission to divert the incoming meteor. The astronaut team was able to successfully land on the meteor. Using the Three-score Stone as a ‘key’ to open a ‘chamber’ hidden on the meteor, the team discovered ‘cages’. It is unknown to the crew but the CEO has gone mad. The crew soon gets infected and goes mad, crashes the spaceship and a skeleton crew is left alive to save the world. The skeleton crew ends up getting caught and they are taken to ‘hell’….

An ancient races of Aliens, who were native to our solar system, had experimented with great power and created a portal to the ‘Hell Dimension’. A great war ensued. Resources from planets were devoured. To close the portal, a decision was made to suicide their home planet to save the Solar System. Great bombs were used to explode their planet, and thus the creation of our solar systems’s Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter. The Three-score Stone is a remnant of that those planet destroying bombs. The meteor, in the present day, houses a caged ancient Hell dimension beast in jail. The beast merges with the crew to ask the question ‘What is Human?’ and thus, using gruesome imagery, rips apart and grows tentacles into the crew, conducting experiments that transcend time and space. As Nameless is brought into ‘Hell’, it is unknown if his actions in the past, present, or future are a result of the connections he made with the Stone, the beast or being in touch with different dimensions. Reality has been blurred. We don’t know if the earth is safe, Nameless has gone completely mad, or if the Solar System is in danger once again….

What I like about this work:

This is my favorite book so far on my horror/graphic novel journey. This book is one of those books where you have to re-read it to fully grasp what happened. Unlike other books, this artwork has hidden images that you would have to pick up on later. There is some commentary at the end of the book that helps you fully appreciate the book. It is gruesome and psychological. A step into madness (and hell in this realm) for humans. When I started out on my journey, this is the kind of book I was looking for. A book where you don’t know what is going on, until the end, and if you look deeper, you start going down rabbit holes. This book reminds me of the movie Event Horizon. The book does a full 360-degree twist on you. You have to read the end to know what happened at the front, so you know where you are in the middle. A true ride and I applaud the writer and the artist for capturing the pain and madness. Yes, you read my synopsis above, but you MUST experience this book. This is a very adult book and not for the faint of heart. Do not let anywhere near the eyes of a child.


Art work -> 10/10

Plot -> 10/10

Predictability -> No. Great twists.

Recommend -> I will recommend to everyone that likes horror.