PLUNGE – Horror Comic

5 Minute read


( single book)

( Joe Hill book set)

AN AMAZING Collected Edition (book) by Joe Hill and Stuart Immonen.

Spoilers ahead! Stop reading now if you want to experience this book, which I recommend you do. Even if you get the spoilers, the art work and story telling are great and it’s a fast (1-2 hours) read.

Commentary below

No I am not a critic….(NO BUTS)

SYNOPSIS (Spoilers):

A Naval ship goes missing about 4 decades ago. A surviver is found floating on a raft, out in the ocean, being pluck by scavenger birds, is dead. There is a horrible storm, in the present day, that seems to cause the ship to start sending out its S.O.S. signal. The Navy hires a private company to procure subcontractor salvaging company/underwater divers to procure the wreck’s contents. Subcontractor accepts the mission, and finds the ship run aground new a remote, uninhabited small island, that turns out to be the location of a meteor impact. Soon after landing, they find that the island is occupied by the survivors of the ship wreck from 40 years ago, and notice they have no eyes and have not aged at all. These men are effectively zombies, who bodies are inhabited by these alien species, that are mathematically inclined and superior to mankind. This species offers the divers 3 discoveries that would have huge economic implications for the subcontractor company, should they take them for profit, but the divers must do the alien species a favor and access a secure part of the ship wreckage.

At the expense of crew mates, the divers reluctantly agree to the terms of the contract and open the hatch. The species leaves the bodies of the zombie crew and swarm to the hatch. Inside was an egg, as the species that we saw were effectively “sperm”. After ‘fertilization’, the new alien monster erupted from the water, blocking out the sun, as the creature was massive. Using quick thinking, the captain of the diver crew drew the creature back to the ship wreckage to detonate a bomb that would obliterate the creature, thus sacrificing himself in the process to save his remaining crew. The store ends with, what we see, at least 1 surviving zombie ready to plan their next scheme to ensure their species survival.

What I like about this work:

This work could be adapted into a great movie. A repeat of concepts we have encountered before, but in a new context. Humanity over advancements for human society. Collectivism vs individualism. How mathematics scales the advancements of science. If a deal sounds too good to be true, then it is, most likely, not true. The book has quick scenes of violence and vulgar language (see image above), which is similar to how EVERYONE speaks in the real world (not just those in blue collar work). A diverse group of characters and showing how they can all mingle to create a cohesive team with one goal.


Art work -> 9/10

Plot -> 8/10

Predictability -> No. Great twists.

Recommend -> Highly Likely

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